Privacy Policy

Thanks for using Abjapp, the app that makes learning the arabic alphabet super easy. Our Privacy Policy explains how some third party services might collect, use, disclose, and protect information that applies to Abjapp, as well as your choices about the collection and use of your information.

Information collection

Abjapp do not collect any sorts of information about you, period. However, it uses an opt-in third-party crash reporting system which collects, processes and stores anonymized data.

Versions 1.3.0 and above

App Center Crashes (Microsoft Corporation)

App Center is a monitoring service provided by Microsoft Corporation.

Two types of data are collected:

Common Data (exhaustive list)
Retained for 90 days.
Diagnostic Data (exhaustive list)
Retained for 90 days.

Common and Diagnostic Data is used to investigate critical issues and fix them.

Place of processing: United States of America – Legal Information.

Versions inferior to 1.3.0

Crashlytics (Google LLC.)

Crashlytics is a monitoring service provided by Google LLC.

The data collected are:

Installation UUID
Retained for 90 days.
Crash traces
Retained for 90 days.

Crash data are used to investigate critical issues and fix them.

Place of processing: United States of America – Privacy Policy.

Fabric Answers (Google LLC.)

Fabric Answers is an analytics service provided by Crashlytics, a business division of Google LLC. Only the bare minimum of Answers, required by Craslytics to function, is enabled.

Hence, the data collected are:

Installation UUID
Retained for 90 days.
IP Addresses
Once received it is geo-coded to a city and displayed on a map for 10 seconds. Retained temporarily.

Place of processing: United States of America – Privacy Policy.

Opting out of data collection

If you do not want to send crash reports to Crashlytics or Answers, you can disable Fabric from within the app. Head out to Settings > Crash reports and select Never Send. You will need to open the task manager and kill the app for the setting to be taken into account during the next launch.